If you are planning on taking your family into the outdoors to camp or go hiking, then it is important that you have the right cooking equipments. Having this equipment makes dinner more enjoyable and lessens the frustration of meal preparation.
Camping cookware is specially designed for the outdoors and can be a great asset when you cooking in a campground or backpacking. Some of the best camping cookware for families have been designed to be strong, lightweight, and compact.
Any family who loves to go camping knows the importance of a good meal. That’s why camping cookware can be a big purchase for those enthusiasts. Good quality camping pots and pans not only mean delicious food, but also an enjoyable camping experience.
While there are many lightweight and compact cooking sets on the market, the best way of having a great experience is to buy your own cooking utensils and cookware. By doing so, you will have an investment in the gear and it will be easy to throw in your backpack for camping trips.
In this guide, we will review the best camping cookware for family caravans and outdoor activities. Here is the overview of our top 3 choices, if you are in a hurry you can check these camping cookware sets
Best Overall for Family | Most Durable | Best For Backpacking |
Stanley Even Heat Camp Pro Cookset | STANSPORT Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Cookware Set | Winterial Camping Cookware and Pot Set |
Best Camping Cookware For Family – Top Picks
Let us take a look at some of the top camping cookware available on the market today and find out why so many people are choosing to invest in cooking products that fold down small and keep their weight down.
1. Stanley Even Heat Camp Pro Cookset
From the campfire to your favorite restaurant, the durable Stanley Pro Cookset offers products for any meal of the day. This 11-Piece cookset is a fully functional set of camping cookware you can rely on.
Crafted with a multi-layer bottom designed for even heating over campfires, stovetops, and grills, it also features sturdy handles with mitt hooks and stays cool plastic covers for easy carrying. It’s the best kitchen companion for family camping, hiking, backpacking.
Durable, stainless steel pots and pans feature a signature concave base that encompasses the individual bottom of every pot and pan to ensure even heating over campfires.
Quickly access food in deep pots with handles positioned on either side for right- or left-handed use. No matter what your outdoor cooking needs are, this set is perfect for family-sized meals or fun tailgating parties.
It also nests together to save on space, so the whole set easily fits in your backpack or car trunk. With these pots and pans from Stanley, you’ll have everything you need for a cooking kit in any situation.
This set includes
- 4.75 quart stockpot
- 1.9 quart saucepan
- 8.5 inch frying pan
- vented lids
- collapsible cutting board
- spatula, spoon, two trivets, and locking bungee
Related Post: Best Car Camping Cookware Sets
2. Bulin Camping Cookware Mess Kit
Whether it’s for an outdoor adventure, a long camping trip, or if you just want to upgrade your cooking equipment, this premium camping cookware set is just what you need.
This portable Balin 27 Piece Cookware Set is perfect for outdoor activities like camping, hiking, backpacking, fishing, and hunting. All the cookware set is food-grade material, lightweight but sturdy.
With every meal prepared using this cookware set, you can enjoy yourself without worrying about lead contamination or any other health concerns normally associated with aluminum cookware.
All the pots, pans and kettle can be used with the gas canister or firewood, which is very convenient for your picnic or camping. The handles are also heat resistant to ensure your fingers are protected. The folding handle design allows you to take off the parts so that they could nest together to save much space when not in use.
Food-grade material, hard-anodized aluminum conducts heat quickly to make sure food stays warm for longer. So you can cook without worrying about food sticking. Sturdy construction means this cookware set is sure to last you season after season. Must-Have Camping Cookware for family.
This set includes
- 1 hanging pot
- 1 boiling pot
- 1 frying pan
- 1 kettle
- 6 BPA -free bowls
- 4 BPA Free small plates
- 3 BPA Free big plates
- 1 BPA Free foldable soup spoon
- 1 rice ladle, and 1 cleaning sponge.
3. Texsport Black Hard Anodized Camping Cookware Outdoor Cook Set
The Scouter 5 piece cook set from Texsport provides durable, dependable performance for your family camping needs.
This hard Anodized cookware set with a small storage bag is perfect for camping, backpacking, hiking, or any outdoor activities. It is made from hard-anodized non-stick aluminum which makes for easy cleaning and healthy cooking.
The handles are ergonomically designed for ease of use. When folded the entire set slips into a convenient storage bag. This compact set will nest inside each other when not in use.
The Xylan coating makes for easy cleanup as well as provides a valuable non-stick surface that keeps food from sticking to the cooking surface
Once you try this price-conscious set, you’ll wonder how you cooked without it.
This set includes
- Includes 7″ Fry Pan with Xylan non-stick finish and locking folding
- stay cool insulated handle
- 1 Quart AND 1.5 Quart Boiling pots with Xylan nonstick finish with covers
- and locking folding stay cool insulated handle
- Includes Mesh Carry / Storage Bag.
4. STANSPORT Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Clad Cookware Set
The STANSPORT 7-piece cookware set offers a full arsenal of cooking equipment for the outdoor enthusiast. With a robust aluminum-clad bottom, the set distributes heat evenly and smoothly across the bottom of each pot or pan to produce perfect cooking results every time.
This camping cookware is perfect for families with all the essential pots and pans you need to start off your outdoor cooking journey. Whether using the handles or the convenient helper handle, these pans are sturdy enough to be packed along for your next expedition.
This unique design allows you to boil, fry, simmer and braise with ease. You can bring all seven pieces together to form one lightweight stack, storing it in the small zipper pouch that comes included. The set packs neatly away using a specially designed nesting storage tray that holds all pieces securely, making it possible to transport this set even while backpacking.
With a modern style that includes raised handles and a non-stick surface inside each pot or pan for easy food release.
Feel free to take these pots and pans anywhere you go, This camp cookware will stay rust-free and long-lasting with proper care.
This set Includes
- 4 quart pot
- 3 quart pot
- 2 quart pot
- 1 quart pot
- 9.75 inch fry pan
- universal lid, and handle.
5. Pre-Seasoned 2 In 1 Cast Iron Pan Camping Dutch Oven
The Bruntmor cast iron dutch oven is a three-layered pan manufactured from the highest quality materials. The thick carbon steel ensures even heat distribution and retention at campfire cooking or stovetop cooking.
This heavy-duty cast iron double dutch oven is pre-seasoned with vegetable oil for use right out of the box. It has all of the durability and easy cleanup associated with traditional cast-iron cookware and makes it possible to prepare your favorite meals with reliable heat on an open fire.
The lid of the pan doubles as a separate pan allowing you to maximize your cooking space while providing even heat distribution.
It is great for cooking all kinds of food and can be placed directly on top of a small open fire campfire. The cast-iron cookware doubles as a dutch oven pan and a casserole pot.
This cast iron cookware was originally designed for use when open fire cooking, but today can also be used in your kitchen when cooking over an open flame, campfire, grill or when using a camp stove.
This set includes
2 In 1 Cast Iron Pan 5 Quart Double Dutch Oven Set
Read More: Pros And Cons Of Cast Iron Cookware
6. gear4U Camping Cookware Kits – Best for Two
Whether you’re planning a backpacking adventure with family, hiking the mountains with your best friend, or staying at the cottage with your partner, you won’t want to miss out on this complete kit designed for 2+ campers. Compact and lightweight, these camping kits are packed with superior quality essentials for any occasion.
Open your door to the world of camping with these super compact mess kits. Perfect for 2, this compact space-saving design includes everything you need for amazing camping, beach, or caravanning experience.
The ultimate compact space-saving mess kit for two campers is built to last forever. This lightweight pot and pan set is perfect for backpackers and hikers that want to reduce their pack weight and bulk and still enjoy outdoor cooking and clean-up after a day’s adventure.
These pots and pans allow you to simmer in a saucepan with a lid that doubles as a frying pan plus a collapsible silicone bowl for mixing and storing food.
This is the perfect set for solo campers or couples, as you can cook up a storm without using half your storage space.
This set includes
- 1 collapsible anodized aluminum non-stick pot with lid
- 1 collapsible anodized aluminum non-stick frying pan
- 1 BPA-FREE deep dish
- 2 BPA-FREE Tritan sporks
- 2 BPA-FREE plates
- 1 mini stove w/piezo ignition & carrying case
- 1 silicone folding cup w/ lid
- 1 BPA-FREE soup ladle
- 1 BPA-FREE spatula & 1 sponge for easy cleaning
Read More: Best camping cookware for two
7. Texsport Kangaroo 7 pc Camping Cookware set
Texsport Kangaroo 7 pc Camping Cookware is Ideal for camping, hiking, biking, and other outdoor activities.
Made of durable, lightweight aluminum and built to last, the set has a DuPont Teflon non-stick interior, two-tone heat-treated handles, and comes with a carrying bag for easy transport.
The rustproof aluminum camp cookware easily nests together, so you won’t waste any space in your pack or vehicle, and each piece has a built-in lid to keep food warm before serving or to shield it from the elements while you’re cooking.
They feature a non-stick interior for easy cleanup and their simplistic design is perfect for outdoor cooking. The set nests together.
This set includes
- 1 quart pot
- 6-1/2 fry pan/lid
- 1-1/2 quart pot
- 7-1/2 fry pan/ lid
- and mesh carry/storage bag
8. Stanley Base Camp Cook Set – Best for 4
This cookware is great for any outdoor cooking or camping trip. It comes with everything you need to whip up healthy meals over an open fire.
It is the only cookware set you need whether you’re camping alone or with a company as you can cook meals for your kids, partner, and yourself all at the same time.
This set is both durable and strong to withstand use over an open fire or traditional stove. The kit contains every tool you need to cook delicious meals for small or large groups of people
The cookware can handle steaming vegetables on the stove, boiling pasta in the pot, simmering chili on the griddle or frying pan. Multipurpose cookware saves time since you don’t need several different pans to prep each course.
The kit all nests together, making this compact enough to fit in a backpack and easy to transport When done simply throw the handy carry bag over your shoulder and head home while leaving the mess behind.
This set includes
- 3.5L pot
- vented lid
- 7 inch 3-ply frying pan
- cutting board
- spatula
- serving spoon
- 6 inch plates
- 22oz bowls
- sporks
- dish drying rack
- heat resistant trivet
- locking bungee
9. Winterial Camping Cookware and Pot Set
Upgrade your survival gear with Winterial Camping Cookware and Pot Set. All pieces are made of lightweight aluminium clad stainless steel to provide even heating for fast cooking.
The 10 piece lightweight aluminium camping cookware set is perfect for those looking for a convenient camping pot and pan set or those living in small spaces such as dorm rooms where space is a commodity.
Lightweight and portable, this cooking set is the perfect addition to any camping or hiking pack. The sleek design makes it easy to store while being extremely durable and strong for all your needs while outdoors.
The set is Teflon coated for easy cleaning and each piece has a mesh handle so you can easily hang them from a tree or hook when not in use.
Its uniform shape makes it easier to pack and carry while traveling by air or overland. Portable pieces store together in a drawstring bag for easy transport, while also providing excellent thermal transfer with increased cooking efficiency.
This set includes
- 2 Qt. Large Pot and Lid
- 1 Qt. Frying Pan
- 1 Qt. Tea Kettle and Lid
- Serving Ladle
- 2 Personal Bowls
- Serving Spoon / Spatula
- Cleaning Sponge
Best Camping Cookware For Family – Buying Guide
When camping with a family, the right camping cookware can make the difference between a good time and a bad time. So it is important to know how to choose the right gear for your family. This guide can help you purchase gear that will last you for years to come while providing you with enough space for your camping trip:
The size of the camping cookware is an important consideration and should be determined by what types of foods you like to prepare. A small pan will usually come in a set or with a small cooking stove, while larger pans may require separate gas stoves. If you are just making up some hot dogs and hamburgers, then you can get away with a small cooking stove and pan. If you like to grill up some nice steaks, then you will probably want a larger camping stove and pan set that has more room for your dinner.
Cookware material:
As far as cookware is concerned, there are many materials being used on the market today. The most common materials are aluminum, stainless steel, titanium, and copper. A large majority of cookware is made from the latter two metals. Aluminum is more lightweight while being strong enough for most camping conditions. Stainless steel is becoming more popular because it doesn’t transfer heat as easily as aluminum does while still being lightweight.
All of these materials can be found in camping cookware sets that come with pots, saucepans, and mugs.
Only you can decide what type of metal is right for your needs, but we recommend going solidly aluminum or stainless steel if possible so it won’t melt or break easily.
Camping cookware prices can vary greatly, but we recommend getting a quality set that won’t end up hurting your wallet. Cookware for the family should last you multiple seasons and allow you to make many delicious family meals.
A great way of determining how much you should pay for a camping cooking set is to check what other people think about the cookware. A set that has a high star rating and positive reviews should give you an idea of how good the camping cookware is for its price range.
For families, we recommend sets with at least one pot, frying pan, and eating utensils. There are also some sets available that come with a camping stove and cooking pot.
Lids and Handles:
For camping, it is recommended that you get lids for your pots. Lids are great because they prevent boiling over and spilling hot water when cooking. They also reduce the amount of heat lost from cooking. Some of the camping cookware includes a lid with every pot to ensure quality performance on your next trip.
In addition to lids, some sets include handles that are made of rubber or plastic. A handle is convenient when you want to safely move the pot around while cooking. A majority of camping pots and pans do not come with a handle, so it is good practice to look for one before purchasing.
As far as finding camping cookware that has both a lid and a handle, it will vary from set to set. Family camping cookware comes with both things, while others just have one or the other. If you are purchasing a cooking stove as well, make sure that there is space for your pot to sit on top and be able to be moved around safely and easily.
The camping cookware is made from quality metals and materials that won’t break down easily when put under intense heat. This ensures your camping trip will be filled with delicious memories without having to worry about replacing damaged cookware.
Having the proper cooking equipment on a camping trip makes all the difference in how good it feels when you unpack your gear. Ensuring you have the durable camping cookware set will allow for more time focusing on catching up with old friends around the campfire and watching beautiful sunsets in between bites of a delicious meal.
With a little research, we are sure that you can find a great family cooking set that works for your needs and doesn’t break the bank.
Weight and Space:
People who are camping aren’t always looking for lightweight cookware, but some sets are lighter than others. If you plan on doing any camping where food is scarce, it might be better to get a heavier set of pots and pans so you don’t have to worry about them breaking. If going for a short time at hiking, in this way lightweight is a good option.
The weight and space needed in your pack will vary depending on the number of days you plan on camping for and how many people are going to be cooking. Camping cookware usually comes in either a pot or pan set, so deciding which one will work best for your needs is crucial.
Some pots can be used as both a pot and a frying pan, while others just come as one or the other. If you are new to camping, it is recommended to bring sets with separate pots and pans for easier cooking.
The best camping cookware for a family is less about the material and more about what is conveniently portable. While you can use any type of material, some are easier than others to bring on picnics or camping trips.
Cooking Time and Fuel Efficiency:
When it comes to cooking time and efficiency is simple aluminum or steel pots. These metals are very efficient at transferring heat from your stove to the pot, making it a fast process for boiling water.
Camping stoves can burn through fuel from gas cans pretty quickly, so having sturdy yet effective materials used in your pots and pans is important. For most camping trips, bringing an extra fuel canister or two is recommended so you don’t run out of fuel when trying to eat a delicious meal.
Camping pots and pans come in various different levels of flexibility. Some are very rigid and won’t bend at all, while others can be bent slightly for stirring or moving around food. It is recommended to go with a set that has some level of flexibility to make cooking easier.
Some camping cookware comes with easy-grip plastic handles that don’t get too hot when put on top of a fire. Using cooking sticks to hold the pots and pans in place is another good way to keep your hands safe and not worry about burning them when trying to stir or move around food.
When it comes to camping, many people are trying to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Cooking your food in a way that doesn’t harm the environment can go a long way towards helping out Mother Nature.
Camping cookware that uses charcoal or wood is a good choice for those who want to take their sustainability efforts on their next trip into the woods. Solar-powered camping stoves are also a great idea for anyone who wants to leave zero traces when going camping. Having the best cooking equipment is the key factor in having a good time on your next camping trip.
Cleaning and Maintaining Tips of Camping Cookware For Family
Here are some useful tips on how to maintain camping cookware while outdoor cooking. These are for all kinds of campers who read this article on familycampingtips.com
- Wash your cookware as soon as you can after cooking with it.
- It’s best to use a sponge or a plastic dish brush if you don’t have a sink available on site, but if not then use the palm of your hands to rub the dirt off. Be sure to wipe away food particles and grease before putting them back in your backpack.
- Don’t use the dishwasher! Pretty self-explanatory, but if you are really stuck at home then this step can be skipped.
- Even if you can’t find a water source right away, try to get the food particles out of the pot or pan so it doesn’t attract bugs and other animals while you are camping.
- Rinse out the pot or pan under cold water if it does have food particles on it and rub any stuck-on spots gently with a cloth or warm soapy water.
- If you are in an area where it is safe to build a fire, boil some water and place your cookware in the hot water. Let sit overnight so any remaining food particles can burn off.
- Dry the pot or pan with a clean cloth or paper towels before putting them away.
- If you find that your pots and pans are still greasy or dirty after the boiling process, then you may need to use some kind of bar soap and rub it with your hands. Rinse and dry like before.
- It is important for you to know exactly what type of camping cooking utensils will suit your needs best when going off on a backpacking trip, family camping trip, or any other type of camping adventure.
- Each different cooking utensil has its pros and cons so it’s important to know the facts about each one before making your purchase.
Related: How to Clean Pots And Pans While Camping?
What is camping cookware?
Camping cookware typically consists of pots and pans that are made from metal. They often have multiple pieces for easy storage and can be used on both open fires or stoves.
How do you clean the pot while camping?
You should rinse out your pot or pan immediately after cooking and then dry it off so you don’t get any rust. You can also boil water in it to burn off any leftover food particles and prevent bugs or animals from smelling your leftovers. Using a little soap with warm water is another option if you have some on hand.
What types of camping cookware are available?
There are several different types of camping cookware to choose from depending on what kind of cooking you plan to do and where you will be cooking it. If you want a more lightweight option then opt for cooking sets that consist of aluminum instead of stainless steel. Stainless steel is heavy but is great for giving food flavor so it can flavor your next camping meal.
What type of camping cookware should I get?
If you plan on cooking mostly hot dogs and hamburgers over a stove or grill then bringing along a complete cook set is not necessary. Opt for bringing along an aluminum pan instead. If you are looking forward to cooking over an open fire then it may be best to go with stainless steel because of its durability and weight.
Final Verdict
The best camping cookware set should be able to carry out all your cooking needs, whether you plan on spending a day or two in the woods or if you are planning on staying for a few weeks. For this, Stanley Pro Cookset will meet all your needs even if you stay for a week or a month.
If you want to buy cookies for two people, gear4U is suitable, because it is easy to carry, lightweight, and can meet the need of two people easily.
If you are planning on taking your family camping, make sure they have all their needs met at all times by getting them the proper cooking equipment. Cast Iron Camping Dutch Oven is perfect for open fire cooking. You can keep this cookware on fire for maximum time.

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