Are you worried because of burnt oil stains on the bottom of your ceramic pan? Toxic fumes are often released when something, such as grease or oil, is burned. It is true for the burnt non-stick ceramic pan. The toxic fumes can cause some serious health issues to our body system.
Sometimes, we suddenly realize that there is a horribly burnt stain on our ceramic cookware. It becomes really hard to clean the stain and we don’t know what we should do. So I’ve tried to give some of the best cleaning tips for this purpose.
It would be disappointing for you to see the burnt food after frying it. Even if you have healthy cookware and new if there was any spill of oil dripping on the surface of the pan, which also would make you disappointed.
If you try hard to remove the burnt residue from the pan, it will create scratches in the ceramic coating and become much worse to clean. To avoid this do not pour water when your pan is hot because it could be much worse, and do not use utensils that are much harder than ceramic such as a metal spatula or fork.
There are many best ways to clean burnt oil from ceramic pan such as using some cleaning liquid or chemicals like soap and baking soda.
The following article will describe how to clean burnt oil from a ceramic pan.
Cleaning The Burnt Oil From Ceramic Pan – Top Tested Methods
There are many ways about cleaning burnt oil from a ceramic pan. It is up to you how you want to remove the burned food residue on the ceramic pan:
1. Soak and Scrub
It is one of the oldest traditional methods to clean burnt oil from a ceramic pan. Usually, we found various cleaning liquids and soaps in our kitchen, which can be used for removing the stain. But I will recommend you to use liquid detergent.
Mix liquid detergent with water and put the pan with the mixture. Leave it for some time, so that the mixture will dissolve all the burnt residue of oil.
After a while, scrub out all of the dirt and grease from your pan with a sponge or soft scrubber. Then rinse it under running water. I am sure you will find a clean pan after this process. You can also try to use baking soda and liquid detergent for scrubbing. This will give you the same result.
2. Vinegar
Vinegar is another great cleaning liquid that can help you in removing tough stains from ceramic coating pans. Pour vinegar over the burnt area and add some water. Mix it well and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then scrub it with a sponge or soft cloth for removing the stain. Finally, rinse it with running water. You will get a shining pan after this step.
3. Baking Soda
It is one of the good choices to clean burnt oil from a ceramic pan because baking soda is very effective in cleaning tough stains on ceramic coating pans.
Mix enough amount of baking soda with water and put it on the burnt area on your pan. Leave it for some time so that baking soda can absorb all the grease and oil on your ceramic coating pan. Mix baking soda again with water and scrub it to remove all of the stains from the ceramic pan. You will get a clean pot after scrubbing.
4. Dishwasher
By using a dishwasher, you can easily clean your ceramic pan that has burnt oil stains. Pour water into the ceramic pan and add soap into it which will help to remove greasy dirt from the surface of your frying pot. Place the ceramic pan in a dishwasher and start the washing cycle.
After the cycle, you will see that your ceramic pan is clean and shiny.
5. Use Lighter Fluid
This can be one of the good ways to clean burnt oil from a ceramic pan. The main reason behind this tip is lighter fluid or any other flammable liquid contains alcohol as a solvent which helps to dissolve grease and oil from the ceramic pan.
So pour some lighter fluid on a clean cloth and rub it over the burnt place of your pan. You can also use another method by using a cotton ball to rub the affected area with lighter fluid.
After this step, you will see that all of the oil and dirt have been dissolved from your pot. Now rinse it with water for getting rid of lighter fluid.
6. Use Starch
Starch is another cleaning liquid that can come to your rescue when it comes to how to clean burnt oil from a ceramic pan. Just use ordinary starch and put it on the greasy area of your ceramic pan. Then wait for some time; the heat will help the starch in softening the oil and grease.
After that, scrub away all of the dirt with a sponge or cloth for getting rid of stains from your pan. You can also use baking soda and water for cleaning the greasy areas of the ceramic frying pot.
7. Use Soap
This is one of the simplest ways to clean burnt oil from a ceramic pan without scrubbing it. Soak your cooking pot with hot water and add soap to it for cleaning the greasy area on the surface of the ceramic frying pan.
After some time, clean all of the oil with a sponge or soft cloth so that you can remove dirt from your pot easily. And finally, rinse your cooking pot under running water.
8. Use Dryer Sheet
Like baking soda, this trick is also very simple to apply how to clean burnt oil from ceramic pan because dryer sheet contains a lot of chemicals that can help you in removing tough stains from the ceramic frying pan. So take a dryer sheet and rub it over the greasy area several times.
After this step, you will see that your greasy pot or pan is clean and shining.
9. Use Toothpaste
Just apply a bit of toothpaste to the burnt area of your ceramic frying pot and rub it several times with a sponge or cloth. And finally, rinse it under running water so that you can get rid of toothpaste and all of the dirt from your pot.
10. Use salt and vinegar
For using this method, mix salt and vinegar into enough amount of water and apply it to the affected area of your frying pan. Leave it for some minutes so that the mixture can absorb oil from your cooking pot. Then scrub all of the dirt from the ceramic pan with a soft sponge or cloth.
After this step, you will see that your ceramic pan is clean and shining.
11. Use lemon juice
Lemon is a natural agent that can help you in removing burnt oil from the ceramic frying pan. Just apply some lemon juice and leave it overnight. The next morning, clean your cooking pot with warm water and scrub it with a cloth or sponge to remove dirt from your utensil.
12. Use Ketchup
Just apply some ketchup to the greasy area of your frying pan and leave it overnight. And finally, wash it with warm water so that you can remove all of the dirt from your cooking pot. After cleaning the ceramic pot, you should not forget to rinse it under running cold water because by applying hot or warm water on grease or oil, you can make it stick to your cooking pot again.
So after reading all of the aforementioned tips and tricks for cleaning burnt oil from the ceramic pan, I hope that now you must be able to say goodbye to tough stains on your cooking utensil in a very effective way.
How to avoid burning food on ceramic pans – Important tips
When it comes to cooking with ceramic cookware, most of us are concerned about how to avoid burning food on ceramic pans. So here are some important tips that will help you in using your ceramic cookware properly and keep the chances of burning food very low:
1. Keep Your Pan Heated
Most of us take a lot of time in heating a pan. But if you want to avoid burning food on a ceramic frying pan, make sure to heat it for a couple of minutes before adding oil or fat into your cook pot.
2. Add Oil While Temperature is High
Before putting food to cook with ceramic cooking pots, add oil while the temperature of the pan is very high. This way, the oil can spread easily and food can cook faster without sticking to the cooking pot.
3. Stir Food During the Cooking Process
Stirring food during the cooking process is another important tip for avoiding burning food on ceramic cookware because it will prevent your dish from sticking to the surface of a frying pan.
4. Keep Your Ceramic Pan Clean
Try to clean the ceramic frying pan after cooking each time. If you cook for a long time with your cooking pot, food particles stuck on the surface of ceramic cookware can make it dirty and cause burning. So keep your pans clean.
5. Add Water While Curling
Most people are used to adding water while boiling vegetables or other types of food that need to be cooked for a long period of time. Instead of this, it is better to add some water when you notice that your ceramic pot has started curling around its borders.
6. Use Soft Utensils
It is one more tip for avoiding the burning of food on ceramic cookware. Don’t use hard utensils to cook your food because they can damage the surface of a frying pan and cause burning.
7. Reduce Flame While Cooking
Finally, reduce flame while cooking with ceramic cookware because it will save you time and energy.
So, these are the tips that you should try whenever you cook with a ceramic coated pan or pot in order to keep yourself from burning your food and causing harm to your cooking utensil.
Final Thoughts
Now after reading all of these tips about avoiding burning food on ceramic cookware and cleaning burnt oil from the ceramic frying pan, I hope that you will be able to say goodbye to tough stains on your cooking utensil. But if your cooking pot is not looking new anymore because of too much use, it is better for you to purchase a new one. Meanwhile, if you want some more tips on cleaning burnt oil from ceramic cookware or some other useful information about this topic, you can leave your comments in the section below. I will be happy to help you as soon as possible.
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